The UDS-PRO® System is a comprehensive tool that combines IRF patient assessments and outcomes management functionality with reimbursement.
The system incorporates both Medicare and non-Medicare requirements, allowing your facility to evaluate care and manage resources with just one instrument. Subscribers have access to the industry’s largest database of patient records, which covers over 80% of all inpatient rehabilitation facilities. The size and integrity of our database is why the industry turns to us when it needs an objective evaluation of industry trends for use in standards, benchmarking, and advocacy efforts.
As a subscriber, you can take advantage of UDSMR’s more-than-30-year partnership with the rehabilitation field, our superior knowledge of the Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Patient Assessment Instrument (IRF-PAI), and access to industry-standard software, reporting, credentialing, education, training, and consulting. UDSMR’s clinical staff are the industry experts for the IRF-PAI and provide top-quality services to inpatient rehabilitation facilities.
Some of the UDS-PRO® System’s features are highlighted below.
CMS transmission file creation
Projected case-mix group (CMG), length of stay (LOS), facility-adjusted expected financial reimbursement (FPP), and CMS risk-adjustment expectations
IRF compliance status
An optional preadmission module that contains required elements from the Medicare Benefit Policy Manual
Quality indicator credentialing with discipline-specific customizable templates
Clinical resources, including new workshops and training opportunities
Comprehensive precision case management, program evaluation, and quality measure reporting
Optional HL7® interfacing with any EMR/vendor
Other vendor data conversions available for a historical database
User-defined custom fields
Dynamic export features that facilitate custom reporting
UDS-PRO® Advantage
System framework
Cloud solution that provides secure, efficient IRF-PAI data collection and CMS submission processes
Compatible with latest versions of Internet Explorer, Safari, Mobile Safari, Google Chrome, and Firefox
Simplified sign-in procedures available with optional LDAP and SAML login and added security with two-factor authentication
A physician portal that allows read-only and sign-off access from laptops, tablets, and phones
Easy XML import/export options, including a compatible file format for CMS submissions and a CMG export file that sends relevant CMG data to your billing department for reconciling the UB-04 with the IRF-PAI
Optional automated nightly and weekly data extractions into your hospital’s data warehouse
Optional HL7® interfacing with any EMR for ADT/DFT, IRF-PAI, and document exchange (PDF)
Preadmission app for tablets that allows screeners to capture preadmission assessments offline and sync them later to the database
Historical database conversions
Maintained to stay current with CMS’s IRF PPS rules and standards at all times
Preadmission module that captures key IRF admission criteria, sends physician e-mail alerts, and monitors signature time frames, and can send the preadmission screen to your EMR as a PDF file via HL7® interfacing
Rock-solid CMS data-transmission process, with twenty years of uninterrupted CMS data file and IRF Grouper experience
Validation checks that minimize errors and optimize case information prior to CMS submission by:
- Flagging overuse of dashes on quality indicator items
- Enforcing data-entry logic for the BIMS, section GG, and pressure ulcers
- Assigning the correct CMG and case tier
Real-time dashboard updates throughout the stay for CMG, 60% compliance status, expected versus actual length of stay, facility-specific payment expectation (FPP), dash warnings, and motor score
Valuable ICD coding lookup tool that helps select the correct etiologic diagnosis, identifies ICD combination codes, and prioritizes your IRF-PAI ICD code list based on optimal tier selection and compliant coding
Case-level CMS-risk-adjusted expected self-care and mobility values that assist with goal setting and discharge planning
QI credentialing module that provides a fluid process for administering tests, monitoring testing progress, evaluating your staff’s rating proficiency, and testing new employees
Exclusive online library of clinical resources, training materials, and CMS references
Clinical and rehab coding help desk support from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday to Friday
Online clinical forum that provides access to UDSMR’s subscriber community
Largest independent database, representing over 80% of all IRFs, with stable performance targets
Severity-adjusted reports with state, regional, national, and facility-level comparatives
User-friendly drill-down and export capabilities for pinpoint analysis
UDS-PRO® System Hardware and Software
Maximum Security and Availability
The UDS-PROi® server architecture ensures that no one point of failure can compromise our system. Our servers are located in VTC, a highly secure data center in Western New York. This data center and the building that houses it operate under government-level security. The Internet connection provided by VTC features high redundancy and very high-speed connections. The data center also provides us with a redundant power source to protect against outages and blackouts. In addition, our off-site disaster recovery system ensures maximum accessibility in the face of unforeseen events or a catastrophic failure.
Web servers
Our three high-power, multiprocessor web servers operate at the same time and share the load as needed. These are load-balanced servers, which means that if one becomes busy, another will process requests in order to speed up the response time you see on your end. These servers are redundant, so if one or two of the servers stop working, the others will be more than capable of running the software on their own.
Security controllers
These two servers maintain the security and integrity of the entire system, making sure that there are no unauthorized access or breaches. Like the web servers, these servers are also redundant, so if one server stops working, the other will be able to maintain the same high level of security.
Database servers
Our two high-power, multiprocessor database servers provide redundancy, which means that if one of the database servers stops working, not only will the software still function, but all the data will be intact and instantaneously up to date.
We employ a high-availability firewall solution. The configuration requires the use of two identical firewalls as a high-availability pair. The active unit handles all traffic, while the standby unit shares its configuration settings and can take over at any time to provide continuous network connectivity.
Backup Procedures
Server backups
We follow standard server backup procedures. Full backups are run nightly on all servers. We also have images of all the servers so that we can restore them quickly if needed.
Database backups
Our MS-SQL database is fully backed up each night. We also perform incremental backups every five minutes during the day. These procedures back up data that has been added or changed since the last nightly backup. In addition to these backups, for our disaster recovery procedures, synchronized replications occur instantaneously for any change made to the database by our users to our off-site disaster recovery site, leaving no gaps in the data we have backed up.
What do you need to run the UDS-PROi® software?
To access the UDS-PROi® software, all you need is a computer or tablet that has a stable Internet connection, the latest version of Adobe Reader, and the latest version of any of the following browsers:
Microsoft® Edge
Microsoft® Internet Explorer
Mozilla® Firefox®
Google Chrome™
Apple® Safari®
Mobile Safari®
Mobile Firefox®
Mobile Chrome™